Oh HEY. I’m a nursing student!

Yeah you read that correctly. I’m officially one week into my first semester of nursing school! And this is what I’m already dealing with…


You are seeing that correctly. Five books for a five-week summer session. One is so big that I swear it weighs more than a small child. So far my schedule hasn’t been too hectic, but I have a very strong feeling that will be changing in September when the Fall semester begins. It’s daunting. There are no words. [I know someone who recently graduated. She told me her friend ended up in the hospital with heart palpitations because of the stress! OMGOSH.]

Somehow I always forget how much better writing out thoughts/feelings/mindless rambles makes me feel. I don’t understand myself sometimes. Does that even make any sense? I feel like I’m always saying that; sorry! But it’s true. I just keep forgetting. I’m definitely going to try to post at least once a week. Something interesting is bound to happen that doesn’t break any confidentiality laws. I’ve been trying to find a way to make sure I hold myself to this promise. Any ideas?

Well on the first day of class, we were asked to state what our worst fears were going into nursing school. Mine was that I’m afraid I’m going to be terrible at everything and just fail. I get that they wanted us to bond and whatever, but was a conversation about self-doubt really necessary on the  f i r s t  day? I don’t think so. But then I saw something on Instagram that made everything seem a little less worrisome…


How perfect is that? I have faith in God’s glorious plan for me. I’m confident that nursing school is the destiny He set out for me. But doubt is the Devil’s plaything. I just have to remind myself that if this isn’t what He wants for me, then life will change, and I have to be okay with that. I have the support of some amazing Godly people who will help me when changes seem impossible. So for now, my motto is this: Just have faith. I think I can manage that one.

inspiration // “Those whose steps are guided by the Lord, whose ways God approves, may stumble, but they will never fall, for the Lord God holds their hand.” ~ Psalm 37:23-24
