Changes are Brewing!

Recently, the most exciting thing has happened. Are you ready for this? I have become mildly extremely obsessed with fashion. I know. I can barely believe it myself. But I really want to do my best to see if I can make something of this new passion of mine.

This is my first attempt at any sort of fashion blogging blog-ness. Please give me a chance. I’m a quick learner.. But the first few attempts may be complete disasters. I like to call this look “Comfy Casual”. Why, might you ask? You guessed it. Because it’s comfy.. and casual. I know. I’m just so mindbogglingly creative.

Boyfriend shirt: Gap || Tiffany blue bubble necklace: Brina Box


Crystal flower bracelet: J.Crew Factory || Silver and gold crystal bracelets: Swarovski || Pink leather Heather watch: Fossil || Ichthus bracelet: James Avery Jewelry

Well.. How did I do? I hope good. Or at least decently. I honestly have no idea what I’m even doing at this point. I’m just going with the flow.

However, I decided.. Bring on the reorganization of Sweet Southern Sass blog! While I will continue to divulge the numerous, random, and sometimes disturbing thoughts in my posts, I will also have the occasional posts dedicated to an outfit that I deem to be worthy. {Side note: That means basically every outfit that I put any effort in to.}

Along with adding some fun fashion content to my posts, I will also do my best to make this place look legitimate so people aren’t embarrassed to visit this blog. Any suggestions? I’m thinking about an About Me page, a Contact Me page, ..but that’s about as far as my ideas go.


In the mean time, I will be experimenting with different changes on the blog. Please don’t fret. I will attempt to calm this massive blog storm as soon as possible. AKA when Sweet Southern Sass blog has accomplished perfection.
