I’m kinda obsessed with books.

I’m one of those people who can get completely absorbed in a good book, and any chance of pulling me out of my reverie will be almost impossible. If I’m being honest, and I am, I’m also one of those people who can become distraught with separation anxiety after I finish an extremely good book. I get that involved in the lives of the characters. And I’m absolutely, 100% okay with this part of me.

I also do not take book reviews lightly. So here is a collection of books in no particular order that I deem to be completely worth your time and even more worth the emotions that are to follow the books’ endings. This collection will constantly be a work in progress. And as I find a new one I really enjoyed, I will post about it on my main page to let y’all know!

  • HARRY POTTER — [no explanation required. because duh.]
  • Any book by Robin Cook or Jodi Picoult — Yes, I know this is a very broad group of books, but I love their collections and I just cannot pick one or two that I enjoy the most
    • I would recommend these books for someone who enjoys their reads to be based off of factual information and/or events that could actually occur
  • Gemma Doyle trilogy by Libba Bray — Now, I read these books many years ago, probably far earlier than I should have. They’re definitely interesting… And different. If you’re interested in a book that is not like something you have read before, these just might be for you!
    • A Great and Terrible Beauty
    • Rebel Angels
    • The Sweet and Far Thing
  • Overachievement by Dr. John Eliot — I have personally met Dr. Eliot and his lectures are so inspirational. I have blog posts that have blossomed from the way he makes me think about events and life. It isn’t a typical “reading” book, but still worth it.

Do you have a favorite book? I would love to hear about it! Comment below with title and author, and I might just read it [okay, I probably will]!

God is the only constant in this life.

My grandmother recently passed away after a long, painful struggle to fight off cancer that had invaded most of her body. I’m torn between feelings of sadness because she’s gone and this is really the first death close to me, but also of feelings of relief because she’s finally at peace, no longer in pain, but most importantly, with God in Heaven. On the day of her memorial service, my beautiful Godmother gave me a book called Jesus Calling by Sarah Young. If you haven’t heard of it (which I hadn’t), it’s devotions for every day of the year. There is also a free iPhone app and an iPhone app for $9.99! They’re all beautiful, but yesterday’s devotion really spoke to me, so I decided to share it with y’all.

Come to me continually. I am meant to be the Center of your consciousness, the Anchor of your soul. Your mind will wander from Me, but the question is how far you allow it to wander. An anchor on a short rope lets a boat drift only slightly before the taut line tugs the boat back toward the center. Similarly, as you drift away from Me, My Spirit within you gives a tug, prompting you to return to Me. As you become increasingly attuned to My Presence, the length of rope on your soul’s Anchor is shortened. You wander only a short distance before feeling that inner tug — telling you to return to your true Center in Me.
Hebrews 6:19; 1 John 2:28; Matthew 22:37

It’s easy to get caught up in the distractions of every day life as things change around you and life moves forward. But one thing will never change: the love God has for you. God is the only constant in this life. Everyone is going to have their own various daily activities to focus on, but the key is to always come back to your faith; come back to God. Some times it is easier than others. For myself, my faith is what keeps me centered. There are times that my faith unfortunately takes a backseat, but I can always find my way back. For every time I do venture away, my life becomes unbalanced and seems impossible, and I feel that tug to come back to my center, to my faith. Suddenly, everything seems that much easier. Anything is possible with just a little faith.

I am proudly Catholic. At one point in my life, however, I felt I couldn’t share this information about myself with anyone, simply because of the preconceived notions people seem to have about Catholics and the Catholic faith. There were times that I was even shamed for being Catholic or not the right kind of Catholic, which sadly resulted in my leaving the Church for some time. That has really changed for me. I realized that my whole life, values, beliefs, everything seemed to be based off of the Catholic faith. It took leaving to recognize this about myself. I understand some things we do are confusing, and different, but there is a reason! Every day, I become more and more comfortable sharing my faith with people, and I’m hoping to share with y’all as well.


Can’t. Stop. Reading.

Howdy, lovelies! In case you hadn’t yet realized, I’m obsessed with books and reading. I really, really wish I could read more [and that doesn’t include textbooks]. So I’m currently reading Divergent by Veronica Roth [so, so, SO good, y’all!] and I started thinking about what I would read after I finish this series. I know that’s crazy, but that’s me. During my search, I came across what will most likely be one of my most favorite, go-to websites from now on: What Should I Read Next?

highly recommend any book lovers in need of a new book or some reading inspiration to check this website out and bookmark it. I haven’t yet gotten to use one of their recommendations, but I know for certain that I will be in the near future.

Let me know what y’all think of the website and its recommendations, as well as any books you find that are worth sharing! I love learning about new, unknown books.

I don’t usually read the “popular” books [like Divergent] because I have found that they aren’t really that great, but Divergent has been an exception. But for example, I read The Hunger Games long before they hit mainstream and were even on commercials for a movie. I wasn’t at all surprised when I found out the books were being made into movies. But I found it hilarious that suddenly everyone was reading the books and would ask me if I’ve read them yet, and I’m just like, “Yeah, forever and a day ago”.

LONG STORY SHORT: check out the website and let me know what y’all find.


Be my Valentine?


Happy Valentine’s Day, y’all!

Secret fact about me: I adore pugs. But unfortunately, the heavy breathing drives me insane. I grew up around them [my grandma owned a few] and loved playing with those cute little guys and gals, but after a while, it was really nice to get to go home and escape the panting. Until the next time I went to my grandma’s house though… and I fell head over heels back in love with them. Hehe.

Because of this love of pugs, I once found this adorable card that said “Pugs and Kisses” on it with the adorable pug face on it too and I bought it. I planned on giving it to someone, I believe, but I just couldn’t bring myself to give it away. So I still have it somewhere. In a “safe place”.

I have to admit, this is the first Valentine’s Day that I’ve actually enjoyed. Last year’s was great, but just wasn’t the same because boyfriend was still living in another state and couldn’t visit. I think he might be making up for that this year [and I don’t mind]. So far, I’ve gotten the most hilarious card which I will keep forever; a gorgeous bookmark that’s pink and sparkly and has an “R” on it; and Divergent by Veronica Roth. That boy definitely listens. And these might seem like super nerdy gifts, but they are so fitting for me that it isn’t even funny. Or maybe it is? But I love it.

Anyways, Happy Valentine’s Day, lovelies! Even if you don’t have a super special Valentine to go to dinner with, find a good friend and go to dinner with him or her. Just remember to spread some love today! That’s really what is most important! And if all else fails, buy some wine, find a sappy movie, and have a “you” day. You deserve it.


Books on books on books!

I’m one of those people who can get completely absorbed in a good book, and any chance of pulling me out of my reverie will be almost impossible. If I’m being honest, and I am, I’m also one of those people who can become distraught with separation anxiety after I finish an extremely good book. I get that involved in the lives of the characters. And I’m absolutely, 100% okay with this part of me.

I also do not take book reviews lightly. So I have decided to pull together is a collection of books that I deem to be completely worth your time and even more worth the emotions that are to follow the books’ endings. This collection will constantly be a work in progress and I so look forward to getting to add more and more books to the list! I don’t have many listed at present time, simply because if I remembered every book I ever enjoyed, I wouldn’t have enough memory for anything else.

As I add more books, I will “review” them if you may, or something along those lines. Basically, let y’all know that I have added another book or two or three.